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Fun & Creativity & Learning
All Mixed Together
Our curriculum mixes everything together for a full learning experience. To give you an example of the pedagogy we follow, let's take a unit on frogs for example:
Use oil pastels to draw tadpoles and then water paints to colour the background. The water based paints do not mix with the oil pastels tadpoles and create a realistic swamp water look.
5 little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log, eating the most delicious bugs.
Let's create a dance for the song "5 Little Speckled Frogs."
Learn new vocabulary like morph, amphibian. Learn rhyming words for cool and pool.
Practice counting backwards from 5. Use fine motor skills and little toy frogs to represent the verses of the songs.
Outside Play
We can hear frogs on our nature hike.
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